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Business Introduction

What is World Business Conference Membership?


It is a new business conference platform that remakes members' suggestions into realizable businesses.


In recent years, there has been a trendy business platform among SOHO founders to share businesses, raise fund and deliver marketing among members online, while offline café-like offices, meeting rooms, and meeting spaces are provided.


Some platforms become fairly international and spread around the world.


However, our WBC membership platform provides not just this on and off-line space, but a new business conference platform to make members’ proposal a viable business projects in which members can participate, under the responsibility of the platform.


We ensure 100% guaranteed return on principal investment and income to our member investors.


Since the platform will carry out projects within the scope of cash withdrawal through partnership with the largest financial institutions in Korea and overseas and asset valuation on the platform itself from the opening of the conferencetel , it will 100% guarantee the principal investment and profit to our members within the agreed period.


It will be the first platform for all members to enjoy safer and more stable returns than those of established financial institutions.


In the cases of overseas projects, proposals that have been qualified through detailed investigations and rational reviews through business alliances with asset managers around the world will be remodeled and invested into a complete business.


Project proposal Members regardless of the investment ratio will complete the project as a business entity.


The fundamental of our platform is to protect the rights of our members. The purpose of this platform is to respect the member who proposes the project as the center of the project and help him or her to complete the project regardless of the investment ratio.


No one can violate the rights of the member who made the proposal, and projects selected by the platform will be protected by the most powerful law and accounting firms.


Members' suggestions can range from simple ideas to much more advanced businesses, and the right to businesses will belong to the members.


We will leap to "an Exchange Hub" by evolving into a block-chain platform such as easy domestic and overseas remittance payment loan through cash-based cryptographic disclosure.


At the time of execution of the membership benefits, we will disclose our safe and secure passwords based on cash, and build a safe trading system through the block-chain developed by Global Bank and other leading telecom operators to become an "Exchange Hub".


We are planning to provide new block-chain platform services such as simple overseas remittance, easy loan and easy settlement using online and mobile phone,


Our plan is to pioneer the new block chain business with the sixth most powerful platform with real asset management added to the existing five platforms - media, energy, finance, safety and security from disaster, and private and public business.


Swapping with resorts and luxury hotels around the world will allow you to enjoy a variety of recreational activities.


Offering days of use for additional services such as Conferencetel, On-board Hotel, Marina Yacht Club, Classical Car, and Golf rounding is to allow our members to enjoy a variety of recreational opportunities throughout the world through swapping days of use with world-class resorts or luxury hotels .


A number of unfinished projects that WBC members offer to the platform will be transformed into a viable business through the platform, doubling the value of the WBC membership.


You do not need to worry at all, as the membership fee will be implemented under the supervision of Taejong, a law firm, until the commencement of normal member service.


The membership fee paid by a member will be managed by a law firm, Taijong, until the implementation of the privileged membership under the contract with Taejong. No one will be able to use the money except the expenses for the business specified in the Membership Agreement until the normal membership agreement can be executed.


The bank account was opened under the joint name of "NCCA Corporation" and "Taejong Corporation", and it is safe because it can not be spent without the approval of Taejong law firm that examined the correct and fair execution under the supervision of Taejong Corporation.


If the unlawful expenditure is discovered before the membership convention specified in the Membership Code is fully implemented, the law firm, Taejong, will have to take responsibility for criminal and civil law, duly making it do its utmost in fund management.


Therefore, all member benefits promised in the membership protocol will be executed for sure.


The number of WBC membership is only 2400 accounts. After the recruitment, those who want to join this platform membership will have to wait in line to take over existing membership rights.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

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